Thrive Fee Recoupment Process Explained

Starting November 30, 2023, the Thrive R25 monthly fee will be applied to clients below Thrive Level 3

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Why is my account showing a negative cash balance?

The Thrive fee run for the previous month processes on the 3rd business day of the new month. The Thrive fee is deducted from one of your EasyEquities accounts (ZAR, USD, AUD, GBP, EUR, TFSA, EasyCrypto, BEE Schemes) which has a free cash balance greater than R25.00. If there are not enough funds in a single account to cover the R25 (if you are below Thrive Level 3), the fee recoupment would put the account that was charged to into a negative cash-balance. 

What do I need to do now?

Bringing your account back to a positive balance is super simple! You can:

  • Make a deposit using any of our available funding options.
  • Use Capitec Pay for quick and easy funding to your EasyCrypto account. (You can then do an inter-account transfer within our platform to fund your other accounts thereafter.)
  • Sell a portion of your investments to offset the balance.

If no action is taken, we’ll need to recover the outstanding amount (see below).

What happens if I don’t top up my account? 

You’ll be notified that your account has a negative cash balance and given time to correct this yourself without any intervention from us. However, should your account remain in a negative balance, we will then inform you that we’ll need to proceed with selling a small portion of your shares (in the wallet that has the negative cash balance) to bring your account back into a positive cash balance. 

Will EasyEquities sell a portion of my investments to recover the Thrive fee?

Yes, but only if your account stays in a negative balance. If no action is taken, we’ll automatically recover the amount by selling just enough of your shares to bring your account back into a positive cash balance.

The good news? You’re in control! Just top up your account or sell a small portion of your investments yourself, and you’ll be sorted. 

I didn’t know about this recoupment process – why am I only hearing about it now?

We relaunched Thrive to our community in Nov 2023 and the mechanics of the program were widely communicated. The recoupment is outlined in our cost profile which is available to view at any time. We've designed Thrive to be an easy and rewarding way to grow as an investor, and reaching Thrive Level 3 means you can avoid this fee entirely. Our aim is to provide clarity and flexibility so that you can manage your account in a way that works best for you.

If this is the first time you’re seeing this, don’t stress! You can:

  • Deposit funds to reset your balance.
  • Check your Thrive page to see how you can level up and avoid the fee.
  • Keep an eye on our emails and social posts so you never miss an update.
Where can I check my account balance and Thrive Fee deductions?

You can check your balance and Thrive Fee history anytime in your transaction history.

How can I make sure my shares don't get sold?

Great question! Here’s how you can stay in the clear:

  • Level up to Thrive Level 3 – it’s an easy way to avoid the fee altogether!
  • Keep your account in a positive balance.
  • Check your Thrive page regularly for new ways to level up and get rewards

Need a hand?

We’re always here to help! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team by logging a ticket here.

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