If you have a South African 13 digit ID Number please register using that ID Number
Please Register HERE with the below document
- Foreign ID or valid
- Foreign passport
During your registration when uploading your document:
- Please ensure all Personal Details is captured correctly
- The identity Document uploaded must not-be expired, not chipped or damaged in any way) and Must be in good condition.
- No glare or light reflecting on the document that obscures any of the details on the document when uploading it.
- The document uploaded must not be a scan or a photo of a scanned document. Original ID or Passport must and only be uploaded
Uploading Picture
- A clear recent facial picture of yourself must be uploaded correctly as per the instructions on the website (taken less than 24 hours before loading)
Foreign Nationals who require a ZAR account
Need to be living in SA with the below requirements:
- A letter of confirmation of your bank or a copy of your bank statement (not older than 3 months, must reflect your name and surname as per your ID documents)
- Proof of address not older than 3 months (must reflect your name and surname as per your ID documents)