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Also known as IPOs, initial public offerings are the debut of a company or instrument on the stock exchange. Another term for the IPO event is “going public.”
A company’s IPO is underwritten by investment banks and offered to brokers, who in turn offer the IPO to their clients. The IPO is the generally offered to investors at a pre-determined price, before the stock markets can determine the company’s share value.
To view the latest IPOs available on EasyEquities:
- Select the stack menu button on the top-left hand side of your account
- Under the My Investments option, select New Listings.
- Here you should find the latest instruments or companies available on initial public offer.
Select the instrument to view documents such as SENS announcements, application term sheet, and even marketing material about the instrument.
We also highlight key dates on the instrument-view page, such as the closing date for the offer, when the instrument will officially list on the stock exchange, and when the units/shares will be delivered to the investor.